Community action

We’re helping communities take action for nature to improve neighbourhoods for both wildlife and people. Find the inspiration and resources you need to start taking action today.

Many of us would like to see more wildlife in our local area and each of us has the power to make that happen. By working with communities across Scotland, we are on a mission to empower communties to organise action for nature where they live. By doing this, not only will local wildlife benefit, but the residents will too by feeling happier, healthier and better connected to each other and their local area.

Browse our community stories from across Scotland to discover how others have mobilised their communities to take action for nature.

READ about how two divers created the foundations for a thriving community-led organisation working to protect their coastal wildlife.
LISTEN to the story of how one community bought an island.
WATCH how a village in Ayrshire is working to become a haven for pollinators of all shapes and sizes.
WATCH how a piece of waste land in central Glasgow has been transformed into thriving community nature reserve.
LISTEN to how a group of residents are using their collective voice to seek action on improving water quality in Leith. 
READ the story of one person’s actions and ambitions to engage their local community in the wildlife of this former mining village.